Ontdek het werkende leven in  Amerika. Ga werken of stagelopen in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika!

Ook jij kunt aan de slag in de VS. Wij regelen samen met onze partners in de VS (zo nodig) een plek, contract zodat je weet waar je aan toe bent qua werktijden, beloning, verzekering e.d en je werkvergunning. We begeleiden je intensief voordat je vertrekt (je volgt bij ons een bijeenkomst en we bereiden je voor op je visum interview),  in Amerika neemt onze partner begeleiding over. Altijd handig als je vragen of problemen hebt! Zij zijn op de hoogte van de wet en regelgeving in de VS.

Stage is in de zin van de wet gelijk aan werk. Je hebt dus altijd een geldige werkvergunning nodig. Zelfs al krijg je geen vergoeding.

De werkzaamheden die nodig zijn voor het verkrijgen van een werkvergunning vragen specifieke kennis en expertise. Gelukkig heeft Stichting Uitwisseling (SUSP) die kennis in huis. Zo kunnen wij jou helpen bij het op de juiste wijze regelen van de benodigde papieren én zorgen we ervoor dat jij en alle andere deelnemers in de USA worden begeleid, zodat iedereen goed voorbereid op reis kan.

In de VS werken wij met diverse partners. Als je zelf een adres hebt gevonden, bijvoorbeeld via via, is het handig om te vragen of zij al met een bepaalde partner werken. Als je dat aan ons laat weten, kunnen wij je meteen aanmelden bij die partner.

Alle stages in de VS zijn betaalde stages behalve die bij vrijwilligersplekken. Ook kost en inwoning wordt voor je georganiseerd / word je bij geholpen door de partner in de USA. Je moet na afloop van het belastingjaar (in april volgend op het jaar na je stage) aangifte doen bij de belastingdienst van de VS. De meeste deelnemers hebben recht op teruggave van betaalde loonbelasting. Hierbij wordt je op weg geholpen, maar je moet de aangifte zelf doen.

Check ook eens onze Facebook pagina ‘Stichting Uitwisseling’ voor het aanbod! Als een van onze buitenlandse partners een specifieke stageplaats / werkplek wil promoten zetten wij deze op Facebook.

Enkele voorbeelden van mogelijkheden hebben we hieronder opgenomen. Bel 072 5896144 van maandag t/m donderdag tussen 9:00 en 16:30 uur of email naar outbound@susp.nl voor meer aanbod en  informatie!


Landscape installation and maintenance internship in a medium size landscaping company.

We are seeking applicants interested in establishing and maintaining residential landscape settings in Wichita, Kansas.
Required qualifications:
  • Education in landscape architecture or very closely related sciences
  • Experience with ornamental plans: annuals and perennials including trees and shrubs
  • Experience with establishing and maintaining residential gardens
  • Good English language skills
  • Excellent ethics and morals
  • Desire to expand knowledge and skills every day
You will have an opportunity to spend 6-9 months in a medium size landscape company in Wichita. This internship starts in March, April or May and will last until December (weather dependent). Potentially there is a chance to continue the internship in a greenhouse.
You will live with some American college students in a nice, single family residence at no cost to you. A vehicle will be provided. The owner of this company is very outgoing, you will meet his family and participate in family activities.

This internship is well paid. One of the best opportunities to experience real America by interning in Kansas. Keep in mind summers are often hot and humid in this area and you will be outside all the time.
Please contact: outbound@susp.nl


Dairy farm  USA needs an intern on their heifer farm. They would prefer a Dutch intern.

The request is as follows:
“We are looking for an intern for our heifer facility in Hamptonville. Do you have any students looking for something. Our preference as you know is a Dutch student. Let me know if you have a candidate,
We are looking for someone for about 4-6 months. Late spring and summer 2016 would be great.”


Food technology / bakery internship on a vegetable farm in New Hampshire.

We are seeking applicants interested in an internship on a family vegetable farm that also operates a fresh food store and a small bakery on site.
Required qualifications:
  • Education in food technology or related
  • Experience with food processing, especially with baking
  • Professional demeanor, at least conversational English
  • Excellent ethics and morals
  • Willingness to train and live in an international team
  • Desire to expand knowledge and skills every day
You will have an opportunity to spend about 6 months starting in April 2016 in a beautiful New Hampshire – with countless opportunities for enjoying some of the most beautiful outdoors in the USA. Once the internship is over there is an opportunity for a transfer to a bakery in Ohio.
This farms offers shared housing on site, the internship is paid.


Internship with annual plant production in a modern, large greenhouse facility.

We are seeking applicants interested in practicing their horticultural skills in the largest greenhouse operations in the state of Ohio.
Required qualifications:
  • Education in horticulture or closely related sciences
  • Experience with growing annual plants (Petunia, Geranium etc.)
  • Good English language skills
  • Professional demeanor
  • Excellent ethics and morals
  • Willingness to work in an international team
  • Desire to expand knowledge and skills every day
You will have an opportunity to spend 12 months in one of the most recognized greenhouses in the USA. Start in 2016. This is a very modern, Venlo type greenhouse that produces bedding plans, poinsettia, chrysanthemums, some vegetable transplants and many more.
This company offers excellent housing on site and a vehicle for interns to use. There is good compensation provided. This is an excellent opportunity for people studying ornamental horticulture or greenhouse production.


Ornamental Horticulture and landscape maintenance internship in a premier public garden.

We are seeking applicants interested in establishing and maintaining formal landscape settings in a public garden near New York City.
Required qualifications:
  • Education in horticulture or closely related sciences
  • Experience with ornamental plans: annuals and perennials including trees and shrubs
  • Good English language skills
  • Professional demeanor
  • Excellent ethics and morals
  • Willingness to work in an international team
  • Desire to expand knowledge and skills every day
You will have an opportunity to spend 6-9 months on one of the most recognized public gardens in the State of New York. This internship starts in March, April or May.
This garden offers excellent housing on site at no cost, with access to local public transportation with many attractive destinations near-by. There is good compensation provided. This is an excellent opportunity for people studying ornamental horticulture, public gardening or landscape design and maintenance.